Grand Sky Development Site
Grand Sky recently selected VirtualAirBoss, a browser-based software system developed by SmartC2, to manage its UAS flight operations. Grand Sky is the first commercial UAS Business and Aviation Park in the United States.
The software is designed to securely manage complex aviation business operations, according to a news release, while also meeting safety and reporting goals for Grand Sky. It also has the ability to integrate with NASA’s Unmanned Traffic Management, or UTM, system. Grand Sky is participating in the UTM beta testing. Multiple, simultaneous flights from Grand Sky’s airfield will provide flight data to help NASA further develop its UTM system.
“We are establishing a new home base for small, medium and large unmanned aircraft in the U.S., and now that we’ve started construction on the UAS Park, we wanted to start flying right away to document the work in progress,” said Thomas Swoyer, Jr., President of Grand Sky Development Company, according to the release. “SmartC2 will help us get up and running on the VirtualAirBoss in 24 hours.”
Grand Sky is located adjacent to the Grand Forks Air Force Base in northeast North Dakota, 90 miles south of the Canadian border. For more information visit grandskynd.com.