Insitu, A Boeing Company, is now leveraging Proliferated-Low Earth Orbit (P-LEO) Satellite Communication (SATCOM) control for its Integrator Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS). This capability enables Integrator to fly up to 2,000 Nautical Miles (NM) point-to-point with 27.5 hours of endurance.

Integrator with P-LEO SATCOM capability can be controlled from anywhere in the world. This new capability adds another SATCOM option for Integrator, alongside current Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO) SATCOM on Integrator, providing end users with even more options for Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) control.
“We are excited to bring this game-changing capability to the battle-tested Integrator UAS platform,” said Insitu Vice President of Engineering, Programs and Flight, Justin Pearce. “With a range of 2,000 nautical miles, Integrator can easily fly from Guam to Okinawa in one sortie and operate from small naval vessels anywhere in the vast INDOPACOM theater. This is the type of capability Combatant Commanders have been waiting for, and Integrator offers a lower cost, attritable, persistent long range ISR option when flying large Group 5 UAS is too risky or too expensive,” he added.
Integrator’s new P-LEO SATCOM control capability is available for approved customers and can operate with the Flying Launch and Recovery System (FLARES) Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) kit, which enables launch and recovery from small ship decks in gusty winds and heavy seas, as well as from expeditionary land sites. Unlike tail-sitter aircraft, FLARES VTOL system does not need operators to hold the UAS on launch or catch the UAS on recovery, ensuring maximum safety.