The Federal Aviation Administration has tasked its new Center of Excellence with determining what is needed to enable small, unmanned aircraft to do limited long range flights.
IUS Exclusive
The Power of UAS
Utility companies and drone manufacturers are actively experimenting with unmanned aircraft for power grid inspections, repair support and other tasks.
Snapshot: Europe’s UAV Industry
Europe is in the midst of a UAS revolution, with business on the upswing and the European Union moving to rationalize its rules and regulations for drone operations continent-wide.
Drones Take Wing
Though small multi-rotor copters and fixed-winged drones are the most popular forms of unmanned aircraft systems, there are new highly maneuverable, energy efficient platforms emerging that take their design inspiration from the most experienced flyers in history—birds.
The Tide Rises for Open Ocean Farming
With population growth driving global demand for fish and an increasingly limited number of new coastal aquaculture sites available, the emerging industry of open ocean aquaculture, or mariculture, is poised for rapid growth.
WEBINAR – High-Precision Applications of UAVs
On Wednesday, February 24, 2016, Inside GNSS, Inside Unmanned Systems, and u-Blox AG will present a free 90-minute web seminar continuing our exploration of GNSS positioning, navigation, and guidance for UAVs.
UAS Learn to Navigate Forest Trails in Switzerland
Researchers from the University of Zurich, Università della Svizzera italiana and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland want to use drones to find lost hikers in forest and mountain areas.
UAS Used to Study Gray Seal Pup Populations
NOAA Fisheries worked with Duke University to compare the benefits of flying UAS to survey the gray seal pup populations vs. the manned aircraft that traditionally collects this imagery.
Robotic Falcon Could Keep Birds Away from Airplanes
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are working to develop a robotic falcon that would herd dangerous flocks of birds away from flying aircraft.
Obama’s $4B Plan for Autonomous Cars is Just the Beginning
Though the White House made a splash when it announced plans to seek nearly $4B dollars for testing autonomous vehicles the policy changes it put into place at the same time are likely to have a more immediate impact.
Making UAS More Mobile
FlyMotion Unmanned Systems recently launched TRIDENT, a mobile UAS command and control vehicle. Here’s a look at this first-of-its-kind product and how it can benefit the industry.
Data & Images from UAS Improve Bridge Design, Prevent Flooding
The University of Vermont’s Spatial Analysis Lab is using the Sensefly eBee to provide the town of Plainfield and engineers with the information they need to get a problematic brook under control.
Lockheed Martin Demos UTM Capabilities
The Stalker XE UAS and the K-MAX cargo helicopter worked together to extinguish a fire while the UTM tracked UAS operations and communicated with Air Traffic Control.
Industry Shifting to Driverless Cars at Different Speeds
Some firms see the way to the driverless car as straight and quick, aiming to revolutionize the way we move…
Hunter Becomes the Hunted
Rangers in Africa’s wildlife parks are getting access to predictive algorithms and surveillance drones with help from researchers and nonprofits formed to help counter poachers.
U-blox Sharpens Focus on Connected Car Market
u-blox’s latest deal underscores its move into the connected and driverless vehicle market.
Five Good Questions: Congressman Dan Lipinski
An engineer by training with a love of technology, Lipinski represents the Third District of Illinois and is a member…