At 0.6 cubic inches (1.0 x 1.0 x 0.60 in.), the A300D comes factory-calibrated over the full temperature range, -50°C to +85°C, and conditioned over shock and vibration environments.
It is equipped with a ±40g sensor range, VRW of 0.058 mg/√Hz, bias over temperature of 0.5mg, and enabled with VELOX high-speed processing, enabling filtered digital output without sacrificing inertial performance. The A300D also has user configurable firmware with advanced features.
VELOX processing technology employs advanced rapid sampling and signal processing techniques to output data at high speed with minimal phase lag. Key performance improvements allow users to define higher bandwidths, data rates and baud rate driving digital message delay as low as 100µs. Product improvements include an 8x increase in gyroscope resolution and a 4x increase in accelerometer resolution.