Photo: courtesy of Airobotics.
Airobotics, which is known for its fully automated drones, is introducing a highly-stabilized drone payload for inspection and security applications—the first payload the firm has developed in-house.
Named Trion, the gyro-stabilized hardware offers high-definition, electro-optical and infrared sensors plus advanced capabilities for object identification, real-time tracking and comprehensive data harvesting. Weighing under 1.2 kilograms (2.6 pounds), the petite payload can be integrated with the company’s automated drone platform or other unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). It can also be installed on vehicles or other ground platforms, giving customers increased flexibility for data collection, detection and analysis.
Trion debuted this week at the bi-annual Warrior Expo East 2019 defense industry conference, which is organized by Virginia Beach, Virginia-based ADS.
“At ADS, we actively seek out innovative, quality and cost-effective solutions for our customers,” said Ryan Angold, ADS’s vice president of markets, in a statement. “Additionally, we believe that our partnership with Airobotics will greatly enhance the customer experience and provide a market-leading solution for critical security and inspection applications.”
Trion provides day-and-night observation, surveillance, and targeting capabilities at long ranges and in adverse conditions, the firm said in a statement. Integrated with Airobotics data insights platform, additional capabilities include tagging and tracking of security incidents and real-time information. Additionally, said the company, Trion offers a high-resolution HD day camera with powerful continuous optical zoom and continuous 360-degree panoramic capabilities.
“We are pleased to offer Airobotics’ powerful and highly stabilized Trion payload to the broader market that will grant professionals with the ability to capture more accurate data for fast decision-making in the most demanding circumstances,” said Ran Krauss, CEO and co-Founder at Airobotics.
Related Reading: Airobotics Selects Arizona to Expand its Data-Driven Automated Drone Solution
Airobotics recently established its headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, where the company will be able to run all North America, South America and Central America operations. This is made possible by a waiver the firm received from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in December that allows it to fly Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) for automated drone operations, fly over human beings, and operate with a visual observer that is not required to keep a visual line of sight on the drone.
The firm said that the BVLOS element of the waiver would primarily be used within the mining sector as well as other industrial facilities in the United States. Airobotics is the first company to receive such a waiver from the FAA. It is now able to do BVLOS flights in the U.S., Australia and Israel.
“This latest certification opens the gateways to offering American mining companies, seaports, major construction projects, and in the future smart cities, an optimal means of increasing efficiency and safety while decreasing operational costs,” said Krauss in a December 6 statement. “As our unique pilotless drone technology and industrial grade platform continues breaking new ground, we are able to provide customers with a more accurate and frequent data-driven solution that is the only one of its class in the industry.”