For those who live in rural communities with poor or non-existent roads, it’s difficult to get the health care and…
New Class of UAS Go From Water to Air and Back Again
A new class of multi-domain drones now under development is able to operate underwater as well as in the air or on land, opening up new possibilities for applications like mine clearing, environmental monitoring and underwater inspections.
Ehang Set to Test its Passenger-Carrying Drone in Nevada
With the development of the Ehang 184, Ehang plans to be the first company to offer an unmanned aircraft system…
The Drive to Safety Critical Performance
New engineering team at NovAtel® ready to deliver the functionally safe positioning technology required to make autonomous vehicles part of our everyday lives.
Robotic Falcon Could Keep Birds Away from Airplanes
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are working to develop a robotic falcon that would herd dangerous flocks of birds away from flying aircraft.
Hunter Becomes the Hunted
Rangers in Africa’s wildlife parks are getting access to predictive algorithms and surveillance drones with help from researchers and nonprofits formed to help counter poachers.
The Airnest App for Drones is Now Available in the iOS Apple Store
The app, which you can download on an iPhone or iPad, allows you to draw a flightpath with your finger…
Cyberhawk Uses ROAV for First Maersk Oil Tank Inspection
Cyberhawk Innovations recently used its remotely operated aerial vehicle to inspect a cargo oil tank on an operational Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel.
A Closer Look at the FLIR Vue Pro
The benefits of this new professional grade thermal camera designed specifically for unmanned aircraft systems.
Johns Hopkins Researchers Use UAS to Transport Blood
Findings from the university’s 2014 study were recently published in the journal PLOS One.
Flirtey UAS Delivers Medicine for the First Time in the U.S.
The supplies were delivered as part of the Let’s Fly Wisely event during the annual Remote Area Medical Clinic at the fairgrounds in Wise, Va.
MCity Opens at the University of Michigan
Autonomous cars now have a city all of their own. This controlled environment is designed to test the potential of connected and automated vehicle technologies.
University of Michigan Set to Test Fleet of 3D Printed Autonomous Cars
The University of Michigan is working to build a fleet of autonomous “SmartCarts” that will one day drive students and…
Let’s Fly Wisely Event Deploying UAS to Deliver Medical Supplies
The event is set for July 17 during the annual Remote Area Medical Clinic at the fairgrounds in Wise, Va.
NASA Testing System for Routine UAS Flying in National Airspace
NASA is working to find a way for unmanned aircraft to routinely fly in the national airspace. They recently continued testing a system that would make this possible, with flights continuing through July at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in California.
Entries Now Being Accepted for the Second UAE Drones for Good Award
Think you know of a way drones can make the world a better place? You might want to develop a proposal for the second UAE Drones for Good Award.