The Federal Aviation Administration on Friday tapped the team led by Mississippi State University to form its new Center of…
Policy & Regulatory
FAA, Firms to Study Longer-Distance, Urban Drone Flights
Aviation regulators have launched a “pathfinder” research initiative to determine the rules and standards supporting longer-range commercial drone flights and flights in populated areas.
Five Good Questions: Brian Wynne
Brian Wynne is the president and CEO of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, the world’s largest nonprofit organization…
Power Player: Jim Williams
As manager of the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Office, Williams leads the agency’s efforts to integrate UAS into the national airspace system (NAS).
ICAO Tackles International Standards for Unmanned Aircraft
International aviation officials are not only embracing the promise of unmanned aircraft, they are racing to keep up as the fast-moving industry forces ICAO to adapt.
Venture Capital Pours Into UAS Startups
Despite delays caused by dense regulatory fog, investors are jockeying for position and betting tens of millions of dollars as they wait for the race to commercialize unmanned aircraft to begin.
Topcon Positioning Systems Receives Exemption from FAA
Topcon Positioning Systems recently received an FAA exemption to fly its Sirius Basic and Sirius Pro UASs for aerial data…
Drone Mail Delivery to be Tested in Switzerland
The Swiss postal service and a Swiss cargo delivery firm will test using unmanned aircraft for mail and package delivery using the structured drone-based transport system created by California-based Matternet.
Kansas Universities Partner to Learn More About Environmental Effects on UAS Operations
Two Kansas universities and the FAA are working together to make it safer to operate unmanned aerial systems by testing…
Bechtel Receives FAA Exemption to Operate UAVs to Enhance Construction Processes
Bechtel was recently awarded a Section 333 exemption from the FAA, allowing the company to operate UAVs to “enhance construction…
Solusia Air Receives FAA Exemption
Solusia Air recently received an exemption from the FAA to use unmanned aircraft systems to perform asset audits and safety…
FAA Lowers Barriers to Low-Altitude Drone Operations
The Federal Aviation Administration dropped most of the filing requirements for low-altitude unmanned flights, dramatically reducing the per-mission paperwork for commercial drone operators holding special waivers.
Experts: More Rules Will Not Prevent Drone Attacks
Pilots ignorant of flight rules and accidents like the one that left a small drone on the White House lawn…
NASA’s Global Hawks Will Continue to Study Severe Weather this Hurricane Season
While the HS3 mission completed its third and final year in 2014, NOAA will continue to research severe weather using NASA’s Global Hawk Unmanned Aircraft.
FAA Awards Sky-Futures USA an Exemption to Use Drones for Oil and Gas Inspections
Sky-Futures USA was recently awarded a Section 333 Exemption from the FAA, allowing them to use drones for oil and…
Septentrio Navigation Hosts Violeta Bulc, Member of the EC in Charge of Transport at Briefing
Violeta Bulc, Member of the EC in charge of Transport, recently spoke at a briefing hosted by Septentrio Navigation, encouraging…
Amazon Gets Permission to Test Delivery Drones Outdoors
Aviation regulators gave Amazon the go-ahead Mar. 19 to begin testing its delivery drones, a move the agency hinted at in February when it proposed new rules for small, unmanned aircraft.