The H520 SkyHopper and H520 SkyHopper LTE will feature high-end cyber security and encryption, dedicated frequencies and interference-avoidance capabilities, and will be offered as customizable, flexible and scalable end-to-end solutions. Photo: Yuneec

Yuneec International and Mobilicom form Partnership to Develop Two UAS

Yuneec International and Mobilicom recently entered into a strategic partnership to develop two unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for both the…

RAMMS is a highly efficient, next-generation airborne bathymetric mapping system that uses multibeam laser technology to deliver industry-leading depth penetration and point densities.

Fugro Uses Rapid Airborne Multibeam Mapping System to Acquire Integrated Land, Sea Data Over Turks and Caicos Islands

Fugro has completed a landmark data acquisition campaign over the Turks and Caicos Islands, marking the first commercial success of…