uAvionix has received a Technical Standard Order (TSO) from the FAA for its truFYX GPS receiver for UAS. The Satellite-Based…
Policy & Regulatory
Collaboration Thought Leaders – The Advocate: Mary-Caitlin Ray
Mary-Caitlin Ray, Aviation/Business Aviation Lawyer, Crowell & Moring Attorney Mary-Catlin Ray’s take on collaboration is unabashed: “Collaboration in and between…
Carrying Collaboration Forward: Your Thoughts About Post-Pandemic Practices
During May, as the first rays of beyond-COVID sunshine could be detected, Inside Unmanned Systems asked our e-newsletter and social…
New Coalition to Shape the Urban Airspace of European Cities
Three projects funded by the European Union have launched a collaborative network of urban air mobility (UAM) development programs for European…
Avigation: Federalism in the Age of Complex Operations
Starbucks coffees, groceries and beignets already fly over neighborhoods near you. Next up: Uber-like VTOL taxis to ferry passengers around…
New Patent Integrates UAS into National Airspace Systems, Enables ADS-B Inert & Alert Capability
uAvionix, a provider of in communications, navigation, and surveillance avionics for unmanned systems, has patented a concept that aids safe…
Five Good Questions: Mary “Missy” Cummings, Duke University
Q: You’ve described yourself as both a “techno-realist” and a “futurist.” How do you see those aligning? A: If you’re…
Send in the Drones – The Case for Critical Infrastructure Security
Bad things happen when critical infrastructure—the diverse and complex assets, networks and systems vital to U.S. safety, prosperity and well-being—fails….
OOPs—Where It Is, Keeping Up with the FAA’s Rule Changes
The Federal Aviation Administration takes a crawl-walk-run approach to unmanned aircraft system (UAS) integration in the national airspace (NAS). Many…
How You Fly Determines Where You Stand: A RID Comparative
New year, new remote identification (RID) rule. In some respects, the final rule looks a lot different from the Notice…
Drone RID: Solving the Riddle
If Law-Tech Connect columnist Dawn Zoldi and I were successful in covering December’s breaking news about the FAA’s Remote ID…
The BDA of AC-107-2A
In the military, BDA is the post-strike review conducted after the application of force to determine the effects, including damage…
Drones Defend Nature
Drones are increasingly being deployed as part of wildlife conservation efforts.
Research for Rules
In this issue’s Law-Tech Connect™ column, Dawn Zoldi does a great job detailing the large number of organizations involved in…
OOPs…There It Is!
Today, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dropped both the much awaited final rule on Remote Identification (RID) and the Operation…
3, 2, 1—Done! Remote ID Rule is Final
Four days before the new year, after 53,000 public comments on the draft rule and almost one year after the…
In Search of the BVLOS Holy Grail
A Pythonesque Quest for Beyond Visual Line of Sight Operations.