
A Flirtey Eagle unmanned aircraft is shown in flight making a medical delivery. Kongsberg Geospatial’s IRIS UxS has been implemented within Flirtey’s software platform for autonomous flight operations. Courtesy: Kongsberg Geospatial

Flirtey Implements Kongsberg Geospatial IRIS Airspace Awareness Technology

Kongsberg Geospatial IRIS enables a single operator to control multiple Flirtey Eagle drone delivery systems simultaneously for Beyond Visual Line…

Army Futures Command's Future Vertical Lift cross-functional team, in conjuction with The U.S. Army Program Executive Office - Aviation, Aviation Capabilities Development and Integration Directorate, and the Manuever Battle Lab, conducted flight tests and manuevers on February 25-26, 2021 at Leyte West Airfield, Fort Benning, Georgia. The Future Tactical Unmanned Aircraft System (FTUAS) Rodeo occuring on March 2-5, 2021 is the capstone event for a yearlong capabilities assessment of four commercial UAV systems conducted by five brigade combat teams. The Army is conducting a "buy, try, inform" approach to rapidly develop informed requirements for an RQ7 Shadow replacement. (U.S. Army Photo by Mr. Luke J. Allen)

How Do You Spell Joint? A-R-M-Y: A DOD Update on Unmanned Systems Defense

In a March 4, 2020 Policy Memo (PM), the new Secretary of Defense (SecDef), General Lloyd Austin, unveiled his top…